Friday, October 7, 2011

Surrendering and leaving EVRYTHING behind.

I say I have surrendered to His calling...

But is what I have been doing truly surrendering it all?

Until today I have been counting the days until I get to come home..

Home to MY FAMILY.
Home to MY BED.
Home to MY CAR.
Home to MY LIFE.

BUT then I think of twenty five orphans right up the road that have NOTHING.

NO Family.
NO Home.
NO nice clothes.
NO LIFE beyond the walls of the orphanage.

Pedro. He is 4 and his mother is 14.

I have lived the American life.
I have lived wanting MORE.
I have lived not satisfied.

They live the Peruvian life.
They have nothing and want nothing more.
They live satisfied.

David and I   

 I stand in AWE of their simple lifestyle.

They stand in AWE that I would give up "everything".

BUT they have EVERYTHING I want.

                 Two new Peruvian ways of life:

Grammar class with three different languages.
Spanish, German(i think), and ENGLISH!

Tony the Tiger!!!

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