Sunday, October 23, 2011

Eight Years Ago.

Eight years ago today God blessed my family with a bundle of joy we didn't know we needed.

A little boy named Taylor.

Taylor has taught me how to love others and put their needs before mine.
Taylor has taught me how to pray BIG.
Taylor has taught me what answered prayers look like.

Taylor has taught me how to be a mother.

GOD through Taylor took a teenager all about herself and turned her into a love others mothering adult.


Tay-Tay always remember that I love you from Peru to our house and back! BUT Jesus loves you EVEN more!!!
I cant wait to see you and have our own birthday party!! LOVE YOU!!

The many times me and Taylor talked about Peru he was always unsure about it and that made me unsure.. But one day he looked at me and said "Maisie I want you to stay here because I will miss you, BUT I want you to go to Peru because I know you are going to help other kids.."

God showed me in that moment that Taylor understood the need for me to go try to save other children. And though I am missing his birthday for the first time... WE have ALL eternity to celebrate his life!

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