Would you give her money?
Would you feed her and her child?
Today was trash day in Arequipa.
Today as I waited on the combi I watched as a man went through bags of trash.
He was searching.
He pulled out an old dirty purple (girl) shirt and tried it on.
He pulled out plastic bottles.
He pulled out a small bag of rice and his face lit up.
I stood on the other side of the street just watching.
Not willing to help him.
I had sixty soles in my bag.
But it was for me.
I have come to Peru to save the hungry, unwanted, dying children.
But what if this man was their father?
What if he was looking for food for his hungry child?
What if I just allowed a child to go to bed hungry?
"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthews 25:40
I have walked by many beggars here in Peru.
So I have walked by many of "the least of these"
and CHOSE not to serve Jesus.
The bible says to give.
Give by faith.
Give and serve Jesus face to face.
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