Monday, October 3, 2011

God in Peru

Written on: 10/2/11

Yesterday I was looking for God.
I wanted God to reassure my heart about Peru.

While we were at a stoplight, a boy on the side of the road caught my eye.
He stared into my eyes and never looked away.
I could feel his pain and see his loneliness.
I began praying for him and in that moment my heart said this is why you are here.
To love others.
Help the helpless.
Save the unwanted.



Today I was still searching... Not satisfied with what I felt. I needed more..

After church I met an average Peruvian man.
A man that has an orphanage with 25 children.
Four of the girls(ages 9,10,11,14) are pregnant.
NOT by choice.
Abused. Unwanted. Pregnant.

The children introducing themselves.


Today I went to this orphanage.
I was greeted with hugs and "God bless you's"..
Today these orphans gathered us in a circle and prayed for us.
These orphans praying for people that may never return.
That may not care enough for them to change their lives.


The "average Peruvian man" is wanting to start another home for children with aids and terminal diseases. Truly the unwanted. The sick. The dying.

I am no longer searching.
I KNOW this is home.
They are my home.

Two Peruvian Experiences:
A VERY pink Peruvian dinner... The rice was good;)
my first time going to the market by myself!

1 comment:

  1. Girl!! So proud of you! So wish I was there! Maybe this summer you can give me the tour :) I'm praying for you daily! You are on my dorm door and when I look up you are on the top of my bed... so def reminded of you :) Keep your thoughts on God and you won't have to search. The Lord makes us content! I have been learning that the hard way... Go spread His love!!!
