Written on: 10/2/11
Yesterday I was looking for God.
I wanted God to reassure my heart about Peru.
While we were at a stoplight, a boy on the side of the road caught my eye.
He stared into my eyes and never looked away.I could feel his pain and see his loneliness.
I began praying for him and in that moment my heart said this is why you are here.
To love others.
Help the helpless.
Save the unwanted.
Today I was still searching... Not satisfied with what I felt. I needed more..
After church I met an average Peruvian man.
After church I met an average Peruvian man.
A man that has an orphanage with 25 children.
Four of the girls(ages 9,10,11,14) are pregnant.NOT by choice.
Abused. Unwanted. Pregnant.
The children introducing themselves.
Today I went to this orphanage.
I was greeted with hugs and "God bless you's"..
Today these orphans gathered us in a circle and prayed for us.
These orphans praying for people that may never return.
That may not care enough for them to change their lives.
I am no longer searching.
I KNOW this is home.
They are my home.
Two Peruvian Experiences:
A VERY pink Peruvian dinner... The rice was good;)
my first time going to the market by myself!
Girl!! So proud of you! So wish I was there! Maybe this summer you can give me the tour :) I'm praying for you daily! You are on my dorm door and when I look up you are on the top of my bed... so def reminded of you :) Keep your thoughts on God and you won't have to search. The Lord makes us content! I have been learning that the hard way... Go spread His love!!!