Saturday, January 7, 2012

walking away

Walking away one step at a time.

Away from what is comfortable.
Away from what is easy.
Away from all I have known.
Away from every dream.
Away from my family.

As I said goodbye to my family today I could not hold back the tears.

Every hug got harder.
Every tear came faster.

Walking away felt right, but it didn't take the pain away.
I was hurting, searching, knowing God was ALL I had.
HE was who I needed to walk me through the next hard, painful steps.

And in that moment God showed me the past 21 years of my life and I heard Him say,"To whom much is given much is required. Maisie I have given you MUCH and I require MUCH." God often has to put my focus on heaven, knowing I will be with my family forever and with the children He has broken my heart over.  


I will keep walking.
I will fight the tears.
I will not stop and sit down.

I will show others HIS CrAzY love through every smile, hug, tearful prayer, hand raised high, and each step in faith. 

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