God sent His ONLY son to DIE for ME.
For YOU.
For the African girl dying with aids.
For the Peruvian boy sniffing glue to make the hunger pains go away along with his memories of the past.
He loved ME SO.
He loved YOU.
He loved the pregnant by rape 10 year old Peruvian girl.
He loved the homeless beggared on the streets.
A love that I do not fully understand.
A love that I want to love others with.
I am in Peru to show His CRAZY love to ALL.
To the people in Peru that see a gringo trying to speak their language.
To the people in the States that don't understand why I would go over 3,000 miles from home to share my faith.
To show that my "religion" doesn't just call me to go to church three times a week and shine HIS light by dressing different.
To show my relationship with Christ goes beyond the comfortable.
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