Monday, October 1, 2012


There are times I find it hard to pray.

I don't know how to start.
I don't know where to start.
I don't know who to start with.

The Lost?
The Dying?
The Hungry?
The Lonely?
The Uncounted?

In Peru?
In the States?
In Africa?
In China?
In the WORLD?

My Family?
My Neighbor?
The girl I sat beside on the bus?
The beggar I gave to on the street?
The child I held in the orphanage?

I pray daily because I still believe that my God answers prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, its awesome to see what you're doing for God, how you've given your life in obedience to him. It's so awesome to see someone who has made God the centre of their life by fitting into his plan instead of making God fit into your plan. I'm sure God's up there with a BIG smile on his face. You're doing great, I hope you keep him close and acknowledge him in all you do, God Bless

    - Jarrod, 14 from South Africa
