Thursday, November 24, 2011


This Thanksgiving is not about the food or the people I am with. But about where I am.

I am in a third world country that is sometimes hard to be thankful in.

Today I rode home with my grammar teacher and her family.

As we were stopped at a light I saw a mother and her three children.

Each child was going to different cars begging for money. The children looked to be three, four and six years old.

In that moment I prayed the light would change and they wouldn't come to my door.

In that moment I was mad that what ONE American will eat today could feed this hungry family.

What ONE American family spent on food for today could feed this family for months.

BUT it's not an American family's fault that these kids are still on the street begging. IT IS MINE.

I am the American in Peru. I am the American that God chose to send three thousand miles away from her family.

I am the American that had soup for lunch, rice for dinner and SATISFIED.

I am the twenty-one year old American girl that has peace knowing I am in the Lord's will. 

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