Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beginning with many questions?

Do I somehow deserve this middle class American dream?

Is it okay for me to spend fifty dollars on a pair of shoes, when I know my shoes could have saved a life?

Am I any different then the child dying with aids in Africa in the eyes of Jesus?

Is there a disconnect from when I am walking with the least of these in Peru and striving for the American dream?

Ica, Peru 2011
I believe its not how you look at it, its if you look at it...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I just found this. Did you read Radical by David Platt when you decided this? Was this the beginning of your journey? I'm beginning to lead a book study on January 31st on this book. I'll have folks from 2-3 different churches attending. I trust that Jesus will lead others to help your cause in Peru and the people of other nations as well.
