Friday, September 28, 2012

One year

This weekend will mark ONE year since making Peru HOME!

One year ago I walked away from the American dream.
One year ago I felt as though God took away everything I had been living for...
One year ago I would have never guessed I would be standing here today..

I left my room where I had everything for a bed on the floor.

I left my family for children that didn't have a family.

I left college where I was studying to work in a nice school for special needs with MANY resources to help in a small school for special needs children with minimal resources.

I left my church of comfort for a church with dirt floors and people with scars that are unimaginable.. 

I left wanting more and found HE is all I needed..

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Saturday was my first day back at the feeding center/church in Peruarbo. 
As I walked down the dirt streets I felt the sick feeling of the reality of everyday life of the people I have fallen in love with. 
Walking into the church I saw smiling faces and was embraced by many hugs and kisses on the cheek.

I was asked to say something to the church or just talk about my time in the States with my family, but I couldn't.
I had no words.
How could I tell people that had nothing about how in the States I have everything.
How could I talk about my family knowing that there were kids there that didn't have one. 
How could I talk about this BIG, GREAT, LOVING God that I serve when I was questioning His love for these people. 

Saturday I held this little girl during church.
She is four and she lives with her fourteen year old brother.
As I held this motherless child she pulled out a small bottle of fingernail polish and started painting her nails.
A four year old painting her nails because she does not have a mother to do this for her.
A four year old that will live a life that I cannot imagine.

Friday, September 21, 2012

An Orange..

One day at the market as I was eating an orange, a little boy that was about 2 years old came up to me and reached up for the last half of my fruit..

I handed it to him and began to ask him his name...

I silently heard God say "thank you for the fruit, Maisie"..
It wasn't much but it was what HE asked for.. 
It was all that I had in my hands..

As I walked out of the market I thought of how sometimes God doesn't ask for us to give Him much just what we hold in our hands...

I want to give daily to the hungry, dirty, unloved children of Peru.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seeing me..

As I stood there watching her, wanting to take a picture, I realized she was me.

She was made in God's image.
He has a purpose for her life.
He calls her HIS daughter.

The only difference is where we were born.

She feels the pain of a life that I can't even imagine.
Her dreams are hopeless in her eyes.
She has nothing.

My heart sank as I watched a helpless me begging for change.
I saw people walk by as though they didn't see her. She
reached out her hand to touch their legs as though to
say I am real, I am alive, I need your help.

As she sits on the sidewalk begging strangers for change..
I sit in my room begging OUR God for change....

Living in a country with such need, I often find myself
questioning the God that sent me here..
The God that can feed EVERY hungry person.
The God that can meet EVERY need.
The God that can heal EVERY hurting soul.
The God that is looking at EVERY Church saying you are MY HANDS and MY FEET.